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LPaul Turner
For the Love of Maggie O'Die
Cle Curbo, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

Simon Silibus is unflinchingly devoted to Ryger Deacon's comatose body, planning to give Ryger a new life, but the law and the Trackers are after Simon. After leaving Ryger at Heavenly Hospice, Simon borrows a memory pearl from old friend Maggie O’Die, head of All Bio. He catches a late evening’s flight to Arizona, intending to disappear into the desert below the Mogollon Rim, where he hopes to find the fabled old woman of the hill. Maggie sends an awakened Ryger Deacon to recover her pearl, and Deacon arrives in time to see five men place a fallen Simon into a van and escape. Maggie entrusts Ryger with finding her long lost husband, Sam, and when Maggie unexpectedly collapses and is taken to Grader’s secret hospice, Ryger’s tasks seem overwhelming, as he learns he is the executor of Maggie’s vast estate, and must find the true Cara, who is Maggie’s heir and missing granddaughter.. When Cara after false Cara show up, Ryger’s task becomes impossible, until one day a waif appears on the floor in front of his office. Is she the true Cara, or just another pretty face seeking unrightful fortune? As they evade abductors who would sell them to the Trackers as Simon feared, Cara and Ryger search for the Mogollon Rim trail where Simon was captured, and realize the strange and unique truth of who they really are.
June Gillam, Author of Hillary Broome Crime Fiction




Cosmic SciFi at Kindle

Quest for Sylvane






The Update on Amazon Kindle




"The Space Trade and The Space Trade Update"

Described by the author, L. Paul Turner



Our current living in space is without a gravity-feel spaceship. Such lack hampers efforts to make permanent self-sustaining habitation in orbit. I feel the great unspoken desire of billions of people all over the world is to see us take our place in the cosmos. I believe we must build and sustain economic prosperity in space, in order to achieve success, wealth, and the thriving community life we ardently seek every day. We can succeed in space where governments have failed. I wrote the book to show us the way.







Enter Living --Harry and Seek-- Book of the Dead is a fantastic tale of Harry and Seek struggling to survive in the afterlife. Free Sample


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Enter Living, Book of the Dead by Cle Curbo


Also on sale on Barnes and Noble, Amazon, and other ebook venues.




Sparkling Comments for

In the Garden of Mistress Bloom

from Kirkus Reviews.



Five award winning surreal short stories.



In the Garden of Mistress Bloom by Cle' Curbo


Cover design courtesy of Michael Wrigley.



Cle' Curbo's delightful first collection of short stories, whimsical and surreal, won 1st Place in Science Fiction in 2021, in Writer's Digest's self-published e-book category.






Walk in a garden on the other side of the galaxy, where an artichoke avatar connects with Mother Earth. The Garden buzzes with odd creatures, controlled by the Mistress, yet connected to forces too powerful to be considered good.




"The 19th Frustration," opens with an unlikely hero confounded by alien cultures in a shifting landscape of time and dimension.




All five stories are fun sci-fi. The final tale is about a fight to keep young and to prosper.




Available on Amazon

and other online places, and in bookstores supplied by Ingram.



Mistress Bloom video on YouTube


In For the Love of Maggie O'Die, mysteries nest inside puzzles jigsawed with secrets. Do characters' names conceal a hint? Who's dead or alive? Who's young and who's old? Plot twists face readers from start to astounding finale. It's like a locked room mystery, exploded out into the open road.




June Gillam, Author of Hillary Broome Crime Fiction

In For the Love of Maggie O’Die, mysteries nest inside puzzles jigsawed with secrets. Do characters’ names conceal a hint? Who’s dead or alive? Who’s young and who’s old? Plot twists face readers from start to astoundng finale. It’s like a locked room mystery, exploded out into the open road.


M.L. Hamilton, Author of Peyton Brooks Mysteries

Like so many mysteries, Cle Curbo’s new novel, For the Love of Maggie O’Die, opens with a body, but lest you get too comfortable, nothing is at all what it seems. From the first page, Curbo crafts a mystery, sci-fi adventure that takes the readers on a rollercoaster ride, putting them in the driver’s seat, while trying to figure out what exactly is happening. The book grabs you and makes you want to keep reading with crisp prose and engaging dialogue. Curbo hooks his readers by dishing out the clues with a deft and talented hand, offering enough breadcrumbs to keep his audience reading until the crack of dawn.


