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Ebook Details
  • 05/2010
  • 978-1-4535-9474-2
  • 476 pages
  • $10.69
Paperback Details
  • 05/2010
  • 978-1-4535-7996-1
  • 476 pages
  • $37.37
Hardcover Details
  • 05/2010
  • 978-1-4535-7997-8
  • 476 pages
  • $56.07
Forkbraid (The Price of Peace)
It's the mid 24th Century and Forkbraid is the Earth’s most powerful psychic, who leads the psychic remote viewing teams that maintain all peace on Earth. A bomb explodes during an induction ceremony in a Psychic Academy on Earth, a place of peace which aught to have been safe from all and any strife. Many innocent young inductees and their parents are killed. Forkbraid reveals that the crime was planned in the one place that remote viewing teams cannot scan. Off world! Very few psychics on Earth can use their gifts off world, for their own fears, uncertainties and doubts bring them undone. Forkbraid leaves the Earth to track down the terrorists amongst the myriad colonies of CIC Lunar space and the Solar System. For the price of freedom is constant vigilance, what now the price of peace?
Ebook Details
  • 05/2010
  • 978-1-4535-9474-2
  • 476 pages
  • $10.69
Paperback Details
  • 05/2010
  • 978-1-4535-7996-1
  • 476 pages
  • $37.37
Hardcover Details
  • 05/2010
  • 978-1-4535-7997-8
  • 476 pages
  • $56.07
