Plot: Starting off at a brisk pace, the story is told in alternating perspectives between the main male and female characters. While the mystery escalates at a good pace and the romance heats up, the resolution to the suspense begins to circle confusing the reader until the outcome is revealed. A heartwarming ending is satisfying and brings closure for the reader.
Prose/Style: Well-written and rich in dialogue, the conversation between the characters feels natural with an organic tone that allows the reader to understand how the characters feel about each other. The author reflects the forest and park setting well and makes the reader feel a part of the environmental experience.
Originality: The setting is refreshing and the readers will feel among the trees with the characters. There is no doubt that this situation could happen in a National or State park among rangers.
Character Development/Execution: Because it is told in alternating perspectives, the characters are well-developed and their personalities shine through. Forrest starts out gruff and egotistical but softens as the book progresses and his love for Sierra grows. Sierra is no different—she too starts off guarded but is a humanitarian. She transforms as she falls for the other ranger and lets down her guard. The characters here are clever, and prove to have good problem-solving skills.
Date Submitted: June 23, 2021