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Jennifer Layman
Forward Thinking For Your Business

Business owners are busy people and often don’t have a lot of time to spend on marketing, even though they know it’s important. Forward Thinking For Your Business saves businesses time and money by providing professional solutions to marketing questions that often arise for business owners. Based on real-life situations of small businesses, the author shares her advisory experience that helped (or could have helped) businesses struggling with marketing.

Short chapters address building referrals, being competitive, evaluating marketing options easily and effectively, focusing on your best revenue opportunities, when to outsource, ensuring your marketing is sustainable (in time and budget), and more common challenges in business.

If marketing is overwhelming for you, this book will get you on a path to making the best decisions for your business, while providing a manageable way to maintain consistent marketing. You can also use this book to grow and scale your business and as a guide for employees who share marketing responsibilities.

The bottom line: you get more time back in your life while making better marketing decisions that contribute to your revenues.

