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Carol Pack
Fourth Chronicles of Illumination
C. A. Pack, author
Imprisoned on a distant realm—her love life in a shambles—18-year-old Johanna Charette wonders how to extract herself from her enemy's grasp. He's a fool who wants to control all the knowledge in the universe by destroying every book in every Library of Illumination except his own. He’s already demonstrated he’s willing to kill to do it. Johanna needs to resolve the threats against the Libraries of Illumination and protect the people she holds dear. But how? She has changed—ever since engaging with a secret society of sorcerers—and she believes magic is growing inside her. Meanwhile, her feelings about ex-boyfriend, Jackson Roth, remain unresolved, especially after learning why he broke up with her. Too bad he's her co-curator, and she’s forced to work with him every day. Unfortunately, the battle to control all the Libraries of Illumination is about to explode. Their lives are in peril. And the source of every bit of information everyone on every realm once trusted, could be stripped away, plunging future generations into stone-age ignorance.
