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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9798891323599 B0D82NNGL3
  • 288 pages
  • $16.99
Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9798891323599 B0D7LRZN75
  • 299 pages
  • $8.99
Raymund (R.M.) Tembreull
Author, Illustrator
Fractured State in the Blighted Earth
Chaos, the Destroyer, has launched his most aggressive and expansive campaign yet! His objective: initiate the Great Cascade and bring about the Discordant on Earth. His target: North America, where the Chaotic flashpoint within human civilization has Texas? The eternal struggle between order and chaos is an inescapable condition of the universe. Caught in the middle is the delicate balance necessary for life to exist and prosper in our world. On Earth, the opposing sides in this timeless conflict are Earth Mother's Natural Order and Chaos's Force Corrupted—the En'Troop-EE. The Great Cascade is underway, and with the High Sentients of the Natural Order reduced and in disarray, there may be no stopping Chaos this time. In Fractured State by R.M. Tembreull, the reality of existence on Earth is reinterpreted, where all living things are seen as the children of a sentient planet. Our immortal souls are gifts from Earth Mother, and all living beings progress through many lives within the Hierarchy of Sentience. If our world could feel, would this change how you perceive our world?
Reader's Favorite

Reviewed by Manik Chaturmutha for Readers' Favorite

Fractured State by R.M. Tembreull tells an exciting story that fuses cosmic mythos with a deep dystopian view of modern America, rethinking old legends and current social problems, and combining thoughtful insights with engaging storytelling. The story follows Arden, a homeless veteran who becomes the protector of Hearthstone Grove, a refuge for people seeking peace in a chaotic world. When Texas secedes and extremists take control, Arden and his community face threats from the new regime and radicalized individuals. Guided by spiritual forces and dealing with personal challenges, Arden navigates a world where real and virtual realities mix, fighting widespread hate and social chaos. The book delves into the consequences of human actions on both a cosmic and societal scale, exploring the dual nature of humanity's potential for creation and destruction. It explores the impact of historical and contemporary events, prompting readers to think about the fragility of democracy and the environment.

The author presents Mothman as an ancient cosmic being in a deep narrative that rethinks human history and mythology. It also explores the Inani and their energy-extraction practices, highlighting humanity's self-destructive ways and environmental damage. The writing is both intricate and expansive. The writing skillfully captures the complex interplay of emotions and deep thoughts. The tone is both somber and reflective, offering a scary view of societal breakdown, environmental degradation, and the rise of authoritarianism. The detailed setting and the tone create a tense and ominous atmosphere. The characters and their emotions are strong, especially the central character, Arden, whose journey is marked by his deep spiritual sensitivity. His path from trauma to resilience is poignantly depicted, revealing the complex emotions of the characters. Arden's connection with Kwin, a spirit of the trees, adds a touch of mystical realism, highlighting themes of belonging and spiritual development. This book is a powerful allegory for contemporary societal challenges and offers a compelling call to action. R.M. Tembreull's Fractured State is a thought-provoking story that takes readers through a fractured world, encouraging them to think about the fine line between destruction and renewal. A highly recommended and relevant read for today's world.

Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9798891323599 B0D82NNGL3
  • 288 pages
  • $16.99
Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9798891323599 B0D7LRZN75
  • 299 pages
  • $8.99
