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Ebook Details
  • 12/2019
  • 9788299928267
  • 312 pages
  • $2,99
Gunhild Haugnes
Freydis (Daughters of Freya, Book 1)
Freydis Eiriksdatter is one of the most remarkable women of the Viking age. She leads a harsh life amid the towering cliffs and great glaciers in the heart of a Greenland fjord. Freydis has inherited the warrior spirit of her father, Eirik the Red, and follows in the footsteps of her brother Leif to Vinland, the promised land. Christianity makes inroads into her beloved Greenland, but Freydis continues to worship the old Norse gods, and to live her life as she pleases. But one day she is summoned by the mysterious volva, Torbjorg. Fiery passion, perilous voyages and powerful history. This book has it all.
Ebook Details
  • 12/2019
  • 9788299928267
  • 312 pages
  • $2,99
