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mervyn curran
Friends of the President
Author; Mervyn Curran. Title; Friends of the President. Fiction. Page count; 95381. Setting; Europe, Middle East, U.S. Genre; Political/ action thriller. A typically busy day at JFK airport. A vigilant tourist witnesses a covert exchange between two men and alerts a police officer to the danger. Multiple arrests are made, a serious threat is neutralised, and authorities think they’ve stopped another terrorist attack. But, during questioning of the suspects, a bizarre story emerges. It wasn’t a real attack, the `terrorists` are hired actors and they believed they were taking part in a human rights protest. What is the truth behind the incident? Was it simply a failed bombing of passenger aircraft, or is there something more? Who organised it and why is nobody talking to investigators? A young immigrant just wants to make a new life for himself and his mother. US agents believe he knows the identity of the fugitive responsible for the incident at JFK and they are putting pressure on him to cooperate. Meanwhile, the wanted man is not just hiding, he`s busy planning the assassination of an American President. In this political thriller that moves from the Middle East to Europe and across to America, a plot to blow up planes in the night sky over New York city is thwarted by the forces of law and order. But have they stopped an attack, or opened the door to something even worse?
