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Paperback Details
  • 00/2020
  • 978-0578772547
  • 76 pages
  • $$7.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2020
  • B08LVZXQJ3
  • 33 pages
  • $$7.99
Cynthia Chase
From Stressed to Blessed
Are you stressed? There are many reasons why we feel stress in life. Family problems, ill health, financial problems, addiction, divorce, the death of someone close, a stressful job or loss of a job, problems in school, or problems with relationships are just a few examples. When you begin a practice in meditation "in 5 simple steps," within a handful of sittings you'll experience more joy, happiness, peace, better health, and more meaning in life. "From Stressed to Blessed" is how you will feel. Learn the art of meditation now, and change your life.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2020
  • 978-0578772547
  • 76 pages
  • $$7.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2020
  • B08LVZXQJ3
  • 33 pages
  • $$7.99
