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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2022
  • 978-0-473-64891-6 0473648911
  • 145 pages
  • $9.99
Maz Hermon
Author, Illustrator
Fun Math For Kids: Mazmatics Volume 1 Good Foundations for kids aged 7 to 10 plus and early learners of all ages
Maz Hermon, author
Lindy is a traveler who has just defeated a giant mega troll and is on a journey to return home. On the first day of her journey, she walks a total of 50 miles and encounters a magical creature, which she initially tries to scare off with a firework. However, the “Opiolla” ends up becoming her friend and they travel together for the day, covering a distance of 49 miles which kids are invited to follow on the map and practice their math addition skills to find out where LIndy is now. Lindy camps outside the Fairy Forest for the night and on the second day, she walks another 29 miles. What total distance has she covered now? She encounters various obstacles on her journey and eventually reaches her home under the Neckwoods of Faar.
Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2022
  • 978-0-473-64891-6 0473648911
  • 145 pages
  • $9.99
