Plot: The premise -- someone finding out they are not whom or what they thought -- and the idea of secret guardians have potential. But plot holes and inconsistencies work to take readers out of the story.
Prose: Burt’s prose is solid and can, on occasion, rise to the lyrical. However, he tends to tell readers about the situation rather than let them discover it naturally, therefore risking a too-self-conscious and didactic style. There is also a tendency towards repetition.
Originality: Although there are some original elements here, they are undercut by flaws in characterization and prose. Additionally, the idea that women’s power in rooted in seduction is nothing new.
Character Development: The characters here need further development. The book’s theme of strong women is undercut by the fact that the female characters' powers seem to consist solely of seducing powerful men. Also, the villains are too cartoonish and not believable.
Date Submitted: April 07, 2017