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Muhammad Bhatti
Gift of Smile: Brief Juicy Jokes
Humor is a waste if it offers no learning. Here we have 200 mind friendly jokes and short funny stories which are full of laughter, wisdom, and lessons both for children and adults. Humour is a delicate way of sharing wisdom by the expression of a smile. This collection will help you test your sense of understanding. After a tricky joke, there is a hint to elaborate if you did not understand in the first place. The taglines have a combination of laughter and sobriety that will make people especially children more aware, responsible, and respectful towards the community. This is the book for all genres, appealing to both children and adults. However, only parents can decide what child should read. They must review the content first because they know well about the sensitivity and maturity level of their children. Some of the below taglines have lessons: • Initiative is not meant for fools • Sinner prefers shamelessness • Negotiation is the art of slicing the offer • Achievement of the fool is a blessing for the wise • Call a fool wise and get rid of him • Relationship starts with marriage • The art of negotiation on disclosing secrets • Necessity makes bravado • Man senses man’s secret • Gratitude from everywhere except your community • Lie to a liar • Courtesy begets courtesy • Improvise the solution to solve your problems • Beer by miracle
