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Global Warming, Energy, and World peace
Tis book explains that the causes of global is the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas). The biggest harmful effect of global waring is continuous rise of open seas (all the oceans, seas, and gulfs) level. 80% of major cities are coastal cities. If the sea level keeps rising, these cities must be abandoned and their inhabitants mut leave their homes behind and move to higher ground. It would be a disaster of the greatest magnitude. All published information indicate that the rise is sea level cannot be stopped. This book presents a solution that stops, or even reverses, the rise of sea level. This solution is to use the water the rivers of the world discharge into the open seas to plant 100 billion shade and fruit trees, irrigate 240 million acres with agricultal crops and produce 10 billion cubic meters of potable water each year. Planting 100 billion trees absorbs 10 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide from tha atmosphere, each year.
