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Hardcover Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9781960492029 1960492020
  • 32 pages
  • $18.99
Ebook Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9781960492-20-3 B0CQJ95KVL
  • 36 pages
  • $3.99
Sara Lin
Gloria Bee's Big Picture Day

Picture Book; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

When the incredibly imaginative creative artist Gloria Bee discovers that her favorite paint brush is missing, she fears her plan to make beautiful art today is ruined. But then she finds a solution. Frolicking with her dog named "Dog," Gloria Bee starts to take pictures on her camera to capture memories and scenes she plans to paint later, once she finds her paintbrush. Along her paintbrush-finding journey, Gloria Bee and Dog end up on a colorful and fun-filled outdoor adventure. Meanwhile, her paintbrush is a lot closer than she knows. Gloria Bee soon discovers that the artistic magic and creativity was not in her paintbrush at all, it was inside her all along.
Hardcover Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9781960492029 1960492020
  • 32 pages
  • $18.99
Ebook Details
  • 09/2023
  • 9781960492-20-3 B0CQJ95KVL
  • 36 pages
  • $3.99
