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Paperback Details
  • 11/2022
  • 979-8887963624 B0BLG4RZPG
  • 360 pages
  • $23.99
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God's Foot is on the World: Christ the King Millennium Era Begins
This book is the culmination of a reverberation from Africa, now spreading all over the universe, which ushers the entire world into the new era, the millennium universal reign of Christ the King. Many incidences were demonstrated by God's power, and all these occurrences that happened have become the microcosm of a global event. Today, people are looking around and asking themselves what is happening? They are scared and confused as never before. This book will outline why we are having unprecedented problems throughout the world and what to do to have peace within themselves and their families. The Millennium Reign of Christ the King begins as Christ the King is preparing for his return. "I have come to rescue My people. Let them know that as I am preparing "My" army, My adversary, Satan, is preparing his own army for the final confrontation. So, they must choose 'who' to serve as I do not want any of My soldiers to be lukewarm. A new creation has begun and all who have eyes to see, can behold it. What I am using you to write is not only for Catholics or Christians, but for all humanity" Presently Satan knows that his time is very short and he is trying to destroy as many lives and snatch them from the peace and love of Jesus before he is condemned to the abyss. It is not a coincidence that God chose this time for this literary guideline to be presented. This is the first time a guideline on what life will be like in the millennium reign of Christ (Rev. 20) is published. He is a merciful God and One who through time has provided guidance to man. "The sevenfold zeal for God expressed in the ceaseless calendar of seven days cycle of Christ in His Mysteries brings seven-fold blessings. Christ Mysteries are Light. There will be seven-fold light in this millennium era; and God is Light. There will be sevenfold Presence of God; there will be sevenfold love; and God is Love. Sevenfold peace, as there is sevenfold love of neighbors as well."
New Book Explores Christ's 1000-Year Reign and Sevenfold Blessings

Embrace the Christ the King Calendar and experience sevenfold blessings of light, love, and peace in this sacred era.

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, September 20, 2024 / -- A heartfelt new spiritual guide, “God's Foot is on the World: Christ the King Millennium Era Begins” by Rev. Fr. Ignatius Mary Okoroji SDV, introduces readers to a transformative period in history—the 1000-year reign of Christ the King. This visionary work unveils how the world is now entering an era of divine intervention, signaling the manifestation of Christ’s sovereignty across the globe. Rooted in both scripture and miraculous events witnessed in Africa, this book serves as a guideline for navigating life during this sacred millennium.

Central to the book’s message is the concept of the “Christ the King Calendar”, which outlines the sevenfold blessings bestowed upon humanity in this new era. This calendar, based on the seven-day cycle of Christ's mysteries, illuminates the path to a life immersed in divine grace. Each day of the week reflects a different aspect of God's divine presence, leading to blessings such as:

Sevenfold Light: Christ’s mysteries shine as a symbol of hope, bringing the light of God to the forefront of everyday life.
Sevenfold Love: As God is love, this era ushers in a renewed spirit of love for God and neighbor.
Sevenfold Peace: With the end of war and famine, peace reigns both in the present and as a remedy for past generations’ sins.

This sevenfold approach also marks the restoration of what has been stolen by the forces of evil throughout history. Rev. Fr. Okoroji draws from scriptures such as Joel 2 and Proverbs 6:30-31, affirming God’s promise of restoration: "I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten." Readers are invited to experience a New Pentecost, a rebirth of spiritual fervor as nations adopt this divine calendar.

The book also narrates miraculous events that occurred between 2006 and 2007 in a local diocese in Africa. These events, described as "nsccha na nkpocha" (sweeping away debris), serve as the spark that ignited global transformation. Fr. Okoroji recounts how entire communities turned away from pagan worship, destroyed shrines, and embraced Christ, cult members renounced their allegiance and were baptized, and evil practices were abandoned, and divine protection intervened during an assassination attempt on missionaries, where a miraculous wall of fire thwarted attackers, leading them to convert to Christianity in what is now known as the "Miracle of the Flame of God."

These powerful stories of conversion and divine intervention have resonated beyond Africa, reaching people in the USA, Israel, Dubai, Brazil, Australia, Iraq, and Europe. This book draws on these miraculous moments to emphasize the worldwide impact of Christ’s reign and the urgent need for humanity to align with God’s plan.

“God's Foot is on the World” offers readers a detailed understanding of how current global events pave the way for Christ’s millennial reign. The book presents a combination of scriptural teachings and real-life experiences to help readers comprehend this sacred time.

Rev. Fr. Okoroji's work reminds us that God's power is not bound by location or person but by His will to manifest His kingdom on Earth. This era, according to the author, is a time of preparation for the fulfillment of God’s promises as Christ returns to reign as never before seen.

For those seeking spiritual insight into the mysteries of Christ’s reign and the divine blessings of this millennium, “God's Foot is on the World: Christ the King Millennium Era Begins” is a must-read. It is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other leading digital bookstores worldwide.

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Paperback Details
  • 11/2022
  • 979-8887963624 B0BLG4RZPG
  • 360 pages
  • $23.99
