G. Franklin Prue, author
Golden Arms is an apartment tenement in the city of Haverford on the Connecticut River. These are old buildings that used to house the criminally insane. Now they are a home for families and residents in the city of Haverford. Detective John Husker and his partner Detective Ruben Strawberry discover the murder of a Latina DEA agent in the foul smelling basement of one of the buildings.
Detective Husker's wife is an ex-cop. Karen Husker becomes a P.I. and assists him in solving the case of this murdered woman. The story revolves around politicians, CIA Special Ops underground of The Golden Arms, and the interesting residents now living in the apartment complex. Detective Husker has to take on the CIA and a special woman who is trained to kill for her country and hide in the middle of a crowd. This woman is a rogue and a cold agent who has been ordered to stop Detective John Husker.
The story concludes with the mysteries of CIA special operations using subliminal messaging in the music of urban youth from an experimental underground lab under the apartment buildings. Ex-Marine JoJo killed the DEA agent in the bowels of the city that Detective Husker and his team took an oath to protect and defend. The apartment complex is rigged to go up in flames as they take out JoJo on the rooftop tenements of The Golden Arms.