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Jonathan Epps
Good Man, Good Woman
Gladys Welson and Henry Good were born to different places: Gladys, into upper-middle class privilege; Henry, the toils of working life. Nevertheless, they came of age in an era of tremendous opportunity—bolstered by the victories of their forebears—when individuals were less constrained by differences in American lives and more open to new realms of experience, new ways of seeing the world—but perhaps more cautious of them too. Against the backdrop of the tumultuous late sixties, when social progress claimed the consciousness of the entire Western world, two young people struggle to find their way to a good life, navigating traditional norms with newer, more enlightened sensibilities. But do the years in which a young person flourishes truly define their character, giving wind to their loftiest dreams? Through many starts and stops—doubts, fears, and the unforeseen trials of life—their relationship has a chance to grow into something natural and mutually inspiring, forging a tale of love not inhibited by their time. But will it threaten to ruin them both instead?
