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Chuck Bright
Goshena Book 2: The Curious Always Find Trouble
Chuck Bright, author
In this second book in the Goshena series, murder victim Eli Fitzpatrick struggles to comprehend his death while being pursued by Goshena, Queen of the Big In-Betweena, Death Quiz implementer, and chief soul collector. Among other mischievous acts, Goshena slipped Eli the wrong Death Quiz. Goshena denies any foul play. However, if she acquires Eli’s soul she achieves her mandatory soul quota and obtains tenure. Consequently, the Death Quiz judges toss NASA designee (Newly Arrived Soul with an Attitude) Eli into treatment with deceased social worker Ginger Garden until they can decide what to do with him. While Eli awaits the judges’ decision regarding his nebulous fate, he and Ginger frolic through psychotherapy land. Subsequently, during Eli’s intermittent viewing of a prescribed film, disturbing revelations about a strange hasbian named Girly Leap are revealed to Eli through Debbie, Ginger’s nymphomaniac television set. By the conclusion of the film, Eli is horrified to learn that Girly is his murderer.
