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Winter Fox
Author, Service Provider
Grace Coffin and the Badly-Sewn Corpse
Winter Fox, author
Grace and her mom move to SW Harbor looking for a new start. Cormac was a good guy but now he’s dead. As Grace stumbles into adulthood, tripping over her unpacked baggage, her undead neighbor staggers into death as a Revenant, seeking revenge. Is Grace ready for an ally whose secrets are even darker than her own?

Charming, fun and just the slightest bit sexy, this book alternates between two different narrative voices. The author dies in the opening and returns to avenge the death of his wife. Written from that perspective and alternating with that of the disaffected young woman who moves into his house after his death, the book is self reflective and warm.
It is set on Mount Desert Island, Maine and has a lovely sense of place. It is also a real page turner with lot's of gratuitous death puns. I couldn't put it down.

