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Grammar for a Full Life
Why settle for a normal grammar book when you could be learning grammar and becoming your best self at the same time? The subtitle of Grammar for a Full Life gets to the heart of the book: How the Ways We Shape a Sentence Can Limit or Enlarge Us. Grammar for a Full Life homes in on some thirty-five elements of English syntax and punctuation. For each element, the book shows how using it in certain ways can be a key to one’s developing an attribute worth having in life, such as assertiveness…creative passivity…deep friendship…mindfulness. The book’s chief aim is to offer a new kind of help in actualization of “the whole person.” Fans of the book range from spiritual thinkers, such as Rabbi Lawrence Kushner, to well-known authors on language, such as Anne Fadiman, Lynne Truss, and Richard Lederer. Social critic Cornel West calls it "brilliant and original." Mind-body pioneer Joan Borysenko writes, "If you read one book this year, let this be the one."
