Plot: A beer-swilling landscaper whose wife is divorcing him may not seem the best foundation for a fast-moving plot, but the narration and complexity of the main character carry the story well.
Prose: The writing is reminiscent of a modern Henry James, with perhaps some sprinklings of Virginia Woolf. The contemporary voice and spots of humor enhance what can be intricate but riveting prose.
Originality: There's a common feel to the plot of this story about an overweight, divorced laborer, but the telling is what makes this book stand out as wholly original.
Character Development: Bburke is a fully realized character that readers would recognize in a flash if he were to arrive for a landscaping job. The characterization of minor players is also spot on.
Blurb: This may sound counter-intuitive, but fans of philosophy and classic literature will be captivated by this story of an aging, beer-swilling, overweight landscaper who becomes disconcerted by his expanding awareness.
Date Submitted: June 07, 2018