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Paperback Details
  • 12/2019
  • 978-1912513482 B07ZQX5NHP
  • 178 pages
  • $10.99
Ebook Details
  • 12/2019
  • 9781912513499 B07ZQX5NHP
  • 133 pages
  • $4.99
Cheryl Carpinello
Guinevere: The Legend, book 3

Children/Young Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

Their friendship put him in harm's way. Will it be enough to save him?

Across the dark water to the land of ancient Gaul, renegades take Cedwyn and the littl’uns farther from home and rescue.

Led by her heart rather than her head and without any thought for her safety, fifteen-year-old Guinevere sets out alone to save Cedwyn. And if she fails…?

Eleven-year-old Cedwyn’s trust in Guinevere is absolute. But will his sacrifice to save her and protect the littl’uns end with the loss of his own life?Explore the depths of friendship and loyalty in this exciting conclusion to this MG Guinevere trilogy.

Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.25 out of 10


Plot: Carpinello's fantasy-adventure story, the third in a series designed for reluctant readers, offers readers an exciting, accessible introduction to Arthurian legend.

Prose: Carpinello's writing is smooth, vivid, and pitch-perfect for the target audience of reluctant readers. The author offers a seamless blending of exposition, dialogue, and action, resulting in dynamic and engaging storytelling.

Originality: While the material Carpinello draws from is vastly familiar, the tailoring of the content to striving readers, the casting of child characters, and the integration of striking illustrations, makes this offering a stand out.

Character/Execution: The author excels at crafting immediately enticing characters who, despite the historical fantasy realm they occupy, are relatable to young readers. Themes of friendship, trust, and loyalty permeate this winning conclusion to a unique series.

Date Submitted: August 21, 2020

Guinevere Trilogy captures Moonbeam 2020 Bronze!

2020 - Moonbeam's Bronze Medal for Best Children's Series Chapter Book!

Paperback Details
  • 12/2019
  • 978-1912513482 B07ZQX5NHP
  • 178 pages
  • $10.99
Ebook Details
  • 12/2019
  • 9781912513499 B07ZQX5NHP
  • 133 pages
  • $4.99
