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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781513608365 1513608363
  • 23 pages
  • $7.00
Hamsters and Alien
The little Alien boy didn't listen to his mom's advice and stay away from home. He end up to the Earth. "Hey you guys, who is the most intelligent living thing on this planet?" The little Alien boy asked them. "Of course us!" The hamsters answered. He asked hamsters to guide the Earth. They go through entire the Earth with environmental problems. The hamsters explain what's going on in the Earth. In the end of the story, you can see Family Love through Hamsters and Aliens.
Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2016
  • 9781513608365 1513608363
  • 23 pages
  • $7.00
