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Paperback Details
  • 05/2015
  • 9781512075410 1512075418
  • 110 pages
  • $25.00
Dionne Fields
Happy Mother's Day.

Children/Young Adult; Pop Culture & Sports; (Market)

Happy Mother's Day Dear, Rain Mommy loves you very much. You are the best gift I have ever received on Mother's day. You have brought me so much joy, every time I look into your beautiful brown eyes. I just smile from the inside out. To hear you laugh calls my soul to bubble with joy. To watch you walk and play and run it's like Christmas every day. I pray to God every day that he will protect you and keep you safe. I want the best for you in life, that why I tell you about Jesus Christ. Because of his love you and me we will always be together forever. I will always believe in you and support you in all your dreams. I will encourage you to become a better man. Most of all I will forever love you with all my heart and soul. Because of you I have had the best years of my life the day you were born. Love, always Mommy
Paperback Details
  • 05/2015
  • 9781512075410 1512075418
  • 110 pages
  • $25.00
