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Paperback Details
  • 00/2017
  • 978-1432770440
  • 388 pages
  • $$31.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2017
  • B077YYBJBS
  • 537 pages
  • $$9.99
John Hopkirk
Hawk Eye Farm
This book chronicles the history of a pioneering family of immigrant farmers (the Hopkirks) in southeastern Iowa. It begins in 1838 and ends with the early life of the author, their great-grandson, who was born in their house, moved with his family to California and what he experienced as an immigrant growing up in that state. It is a unique transect through history, complete with many original letters (1807+) and photographs (1850s+) which tell the story and bring it to life for the reader.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2017
  • 978-1432770440
  • 388 pages
  • $$31.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2017
  • B077YYBJBS
  • 537 pages
  • $$9.99
