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Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2021
  • 9780578640693
  • 346 pages
  • $16.99
Renie Cavallari
Headtrash: The Leading Killer of Human Potential
Successful people aren’t necessarily smarter, happier, or more competent. They are simply better at dumping their HeadTrash! Your thoughts shape your reality, but if those thoughts are negative or undermining, they suck your energy and shift your focus from strength and self-confidence to worry and fear. Learn how to dump your HeadTrash and you’ll change your life. In HEADTRASH, Renie Cavallari teaches you how to stop questioning yourself and gain the skills to decrease your anxiety, awaken your potential, and find more joy. Filled with practical strategies and motivational stories, this is your inspirational self-improvement guide to master the nasty, taunting voices in your mind that create doubt, derail your goals, and weaken your leadership effectiveness. You’ll discover: The 3-step process of dumping your limiting thoughts and HeadTrash. Survival tools to quickly pinpoint your emotional state, stay out of the danger zone, and spend more time in the connected-positive side of your emotional brain. Personal stories of business leaders and their struggle against HeadTrash to help you embrace your own journey. Why changing the questions you ask yourself changes how you feel and think and turns on your personal power. How to identify your one BIG undermining LIE and loosen its grip on your emotions to achieve a clearer mindset and decrease your stress. Twenty-nine ways to proactively manage your HeadTrash and silence the inner voice sabotaging your personal growth and productivity. How to help others decrease their HeadTrash so you can lead more effectively. Your emotional brain is running your life. You deserve to build a life full of happiness, success, and love—without every challenge weighing you down and wasting your precious energy. Dump your trash and awaken your potential!
Paperback Book Details
  • 02/2021
  • 9780578640693
  • 346 pages
  • $16.99
