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Richard Lin
Hearts & Wings

In fifth-century China, fifteen-year-old Wencai aids his childhood friend and secret love interest Yingtai in posing as a boy to attend school together. Amidst the ancient halls of learning, Yingtai falls for Shanbo, their newly sworn blood brother, who reciprocates her affection—albeit for the boy he thinks she is. Jealousies provoke rifts in their “brotherhood,” culminating in Shanbo’s violent death, for which Yingtai blames Wencai. At Shanbo’s funeral, Yingtai leaps into his tomb, triggering a spell that turns the pair into the legendary Butterfly Lovers. Wencai spends the next sixteen centuries tracking the butterflies and battling the Bull King and Witch of Wuxian across China to undo the magic, clear his name, and declare his love for Yingtai.

Meanwhile, in contemporary Shanghai, eighteen-year-old aspiring actor Brandon secures a breakthrough role in a movie adaptation of Butterfly Lovers. During a research trip, he captures a dazzling butterfly, unaware that it will metamorphose into a young lady named Butterfly. Their connection deepens as they find themselves targeted by a shadow organization led by the menacing Scarface, prompting the girl to depart, sacrificing her own safety to protect Brandon.

The vengeful Bull King and Witch of Wuxian capture Yingtai/Butterfly. Wencai and Brandon race to mythical Wuxing Mountain to save their true love but ultimately it falls upon the girl to make a heart-wrenching choice—whom to love and whom to rescue from a fate imperiling them all.

Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 10 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Lin’s dual timeline is fluid and engaging, moving quickly and holding interest in both contemporary and past sections of the novel. The star-crossed lovers theme plays well, rendered subtly but powerfully, and the story of fifth-century China echoes exquisitely in the present-day tale. 

Prose: Lin writes skillfully, unraveling dual storylines with ease, all while perfectly capturing the characters’ emotions. The lyrical prose in Wencai’s story is lilting and gentle, every bit as delicate as the butterfly themes that flit throughout the novel.

Originality: This is a captivating, multilayered story that expertly plumbs love, betrayal, and passion over the course of centuries. 

Character/Execution: The myriad of characters is carefully drawn, and backstories develop smoothly, making the cast easy to track. Butterfly’s attempts to navigate the contemporary world are relatable and, at times, even entertaining, and Brandon exerts a strong narrative voice throughout. Perhaps most memorable is the animated, intense relationship between Wencai and Shanbo, one that has a satisfying ending.

Date Submitted: April 15, 2024

