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Here is a story about a lukewarm born again believer satisfied with his life until he receives an unexpected message. We as born again Christians at times have a way of convincing ourselves that we have a free pass to sin. Because after all, we are the unwavering group of people in the world that believe Jesus did in deed die on the cross for our sins so that we can have eternal life. Too often, we take the fact that Jesus died for our sins and live a life that portrays the theory that He died so we can sin. Born again believers that walk in the world, yet proclaim they have a relationship with Jesus are actually giving a false image of Him. Some Christians get comfortable in their sin and believe that they can be a Christian without imitating the Lord. At times, God has to shake us in order to wake us up from that life. After all Christianity isn't about instant gratification, it is about growth. God has plans for all of us, and the only way we will know what they are is to be close to Him. We aren't close to God when we are close to the world. Joshua Joseph as a teenager believes that Jesus died on the cross for his sins, that He is God, and because of this belief Joshua is convicted that he will be entering Heaven one day. However, he is also convinced walking in the world will have no eternal consequences. His story is a prime example of a wayward born again believer, who while playing with the world gets a surprising message from his dad that will ultimately bring him face to face with more than he was ever prepared for. He will learn that the company he surrounds himself with is not true friendships, he will learn that through pain, heartache, betrayal and confusion you can still have peace, he will learn love in the most unforeseen circumstance. All these lessons begin with a message from a father to his son. He has to first meet the young girl, who has a lot of hurt and confusion in her own life. The message from his dad is simple. Although, Joshua feels it is not. It is the tenacity of the young girl who emphasizes to Joshua that he has no other option then to take his dad's message seriously. However, he still has a choice to make to follow it or not. The journey through Joshua's Christian life reveals how serious he takes his relationship with Jesus. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
