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Jennifer Bourland
Hidden Shadow
A puzzling question from a mysterious woman in a dream disturbs the subconscious of psychologist Sophie Thomas, expert on the human mind. At the same time, shattered future plans implode her life as she knows it---leaving her single, homeless, and jobless. At a pivotal moment in her life, she inherits a building that is a 100-year-old speakeasy, which turns out to be occupied by the unexpected. As Sophie tries to adjust to her new life, she discovers her inheritance has more to it than she initially thought and the mystery surrounding the old building is drawing attention of friends and foe alike. Not knowing who to trust, Sophie nevertheless sets out to find answers. She must delve into mysteries of a past, veiled with revenge and tragedy, to uncover secrets surrounding the legend of the Blue Owl, not expecting that along the way she will also find connection she desperately craves. In Hidden Shadow, by Jennifer Bourland, we experience a journey through time to unlock family secrets, unexpected connections, and the power of the mind.
