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Sophia Conway
His Last Companion

Alone for so long, the last man alive is about to have one final visitor… Isaac lived on after others passed. He survived humanity’s demise and is now prepared for the ultimate journey. He isn’t surprised to see Death approach, nor the prospect of what is to come from their meeting. The conversation that follows prepares them both for one final adventure into the unknown. 'His Last Companion' is a thought-provoking introspection of the human experience and the intimacy between the last man on earth and the one companion who has been by his side since birth, Death.

Amazon Review

Sophia Conway brings us a really interesting thought-provoking story about the last man on Earth with His Last Companion! Having survived the downfall of humanity, Isaac has been all alone. That is, until Death arrives and they take one last journey together. Conway immediately drew me in with the many mysteries of this tale, like who is Isaac and what happened to humanity. But His Last Companion truly shines in the interaction between Death and Isaac, and the way it makes you think differently about death and the end of things! This is a quick read, but it certainly leaves you thinking about it long after finishing. If you love interesting philosophical books or are looking for a different flavor of post apocalyptic fiction, definitely come take a stroll with the reaper in His Last Companion!

Amazon Review

This is a compelling tale about life and death. It’s beautifully written with lovely imagery and description. This tender and thought-provoking short story is for those who are curious about the journey through life to death, with hints of the afterlife. My soul soaked in this narrative. I'd highly recommend!

Amazon Review

‘His Last Companion’ is a short story from Irish author Sophia Conway about the last human alive having a conversation with Death. In this world, a manmade apocalypse occurred and the survivors fought among themselves rather than rebuild the world until there was just one left who spent a life of loneliness into old age.

It’s a beautifully written story that is not too short or too long with a theme that leaves the reader wondering ‘what is most important in our lives’ after reading it. I hope that Sophia Conway continues to write more short stories and compile them into an anthology. She has a unique writing voice that more people should experience.

