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Ebook Details
  • 12/2016
  • 238 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 12/2016
  • 238 pages
  • $18.95
Heather Wardell
Holding Out for a Zero

"I'm doing the right thing, not feeding myself. It's the only thing I can do, so I will do it. Gloria can somehow have the energy I don't take in, and it will help her stay alive."

Twenty years ago, fourteen-year-old Valerie rushed off for lunch with her boyfriend instead of properly putting away a packet of balloons, and her little brother choked to death on his third birthday. In response, Valerie locked down every aspect of her life so she could never lose control like that again, and she's still doing that today.

So when her sister Gloria is found comatose after an apparently random attack, Valerie is desperate to do something, anything, to save her only remaining sibling. But as a financial controller for a "nothing bigger than a size six" fashion designer, she has no medical background and no idea of how to help. But she simply must find a way.

Since Gloria has always wanted to be a size zero, Valerie hits on food as the answer: she will eat less, lose the weight Gloria now can't, and somehow save her sister that way. But when "eating less" turns into a frantic starvation diet to reach size zero before Gloria dies, will Valerie's self control save her sister or destroy her own life?

Wardell (Safe Harbor?) delivers a riveting book about childhood trauma and the harmful neuroses that can arise from guilt. Thirty-four-year-old Valerie Malloy works as a financial controller for a size zero-to-six fashion designer, and “controller” is an apt description of her personality, as well. Throughout her adulthood, she has obsessively tried to control every tiny aspect of her life, to the point of being callous, even physically brutal, to those around her, including friends and family. Nevertheless, her dry wit and tragic backstory will hook readers. When Valerie was 14, she left a bag of balloons where her little brother could reach them and he choked to death. She has been burdened by guilt and regret ever since. When her sister Gloria is hospitalized, the damage from Valerie’s childhood reaches a tormented crescendo: Valerie superstitiously decides that, if she can diet to a size zero, Gloria will not die. This book’s message of warning about how unresolved traumas can manifest in devastating ways will appeal to a wide audience, and the author’s authentic voice will prompt chills, chuckles, and empathy. (BookLife)
Release date set!

"Holding Out for a Zero" will be released December 13, 2016. Review copies are now available.

Ebook Details
  • 12/2016
  • 238 pages
  • $3.99
Paperback Details
  • 12/2016
  • 238 pages
  • $18.95
