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Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2015
  • 9781519654335
  • 74 pages
  • $7.99
Colin Garrow
How the World Turns (and Other Stories)
Colin Garrow, author

He thinks that when he walks, his own feet propel the earth: that his movements keep the world going round. Literally. Each stride supplies the momentum for another motion forward, the ground shifting backwards beneath him, away into the distance. Except, when he stops walking...

Stephen J Carter

This selection of short stories is compelling, with all of them evoking very different emotions. Some are horrifying, others funny, others suspenseful, so the range is excellent. 'If the Worst' will have you laughing at Ellen's metamorphosis; 'Her Ready-to-Wear Life' is like one of the better Twilight Zone episodes; 'How the World Turns' gives a fable's p.o.v. on thermodynamics; 'Bed Death and Breakfast' is straight-up suspense/horror, cinematic in its intensity. Several of the stories sent me off on thought experiments, tangents, musings about my own life, an influence that fiction only rarely has on me. Enjoy!

Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2015
  • 9781519654335
  • 74 pages
  • $7.99
