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Paperback Book Details
  • 1956503005
  • pages
  • $
Robert J. Khoury
How to Intern Successfully: Insights & Actions to Optimize Your Experience

Adult; Self-Help, Sex & Relationships, Psychology, Philosophy, Fashion; (Market)

How To Intern Successfully aims to help you be informed and confident as you explore and then successfully complete your internship. Beginning with self-reflection to boost your clarity of intent and gain the peace of mind necessary for an extraordinary internship, each chapter’s theme aims toward helping you wake up to your deeper sense of career intent. Several chapters assist you in focusing on specific elements of a winning internship, including job hunting, preparing for internship interviews, and collaborating with mentors and fellow interns. Former interns share their perspectives – and throughout the book you consider often-overlooked aspects of preparing for and successfully winning the intern game. This book serves as a career guide to make sure you are empowered in each step of the intern process, as you move with grace, ease and dignity through a summer or semester of rapid learning and stimulating discoveries.
Paperback Book Details
  • 1956503005
  • pages
  • $
