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Maryam Shakir Miller
HOW TO RECOGNIZE A SOULMATE: Your Guide to Soul Level Alignment

In fairy tales, things just fall into place. Fortunately life has the capacity to be a bit more rewarding than that. While understanding: how to recognize “the one” a means to affirm the Divine Feminine in Islam achieving life partnership(s) the line between destiny and will drawing lines in positive projection and limerence …are beneficial, that’s not what soulmates are about. Knowledge is empowering. Keeping Allah (Source, The Divine, whatever you call it) first through soul-care, harmonizes heartache and grief we’re each bound to face sometime in life. Between these no-nonsense essays are excerpts of a story that sequels the first in this series, Loveletters: Soulmates, Salafis and Sufis. Because it is more satirical of traditional fairy -tales, and celebratory of the Divine Feminine in Quran and Prophetic Tradition.

