Plot: Gorsky novel tackles multiple complex plotlines that are interconnected in a whiplash of twists and turns that will have readers strapped to their seats. From narcotics to serial killers, Gorsky doesn't shy away from all the themes of a great thriller.
Prose: Jeffrey Gorsky moves a complex and multi-layered story effortlessly from start to finish without missing a beat in a fast-paced prose rich with details.
Originality: Gorsky relied heavily on common thriller story themes like CIA conspiracies and serial killers but the connection to a well-known children's rhyme loved by many was a nice and original touch.
Character/Execution: Gorsky skillfully develops a somewhat stereotypical protagonist-hero that readers will love to root for as his line of work forces him from being compliant with the government into becoming a disrupter of the status quo.
Date Submitted: August 25, 2022