Plot/Idea: Hunter in the Storm follows Johnny as he becomes involved in an intense series of dangerous rescue missions. His solitary life and daring strides into battle are described with meticulous attention to detail, let down only by an unconvincing group of secondary characters.
Prose: Anthrop's text deals honestly with themes of loss and survival. Intense battle and hunting scenes are rendered in vivid and captivating detail, although the militaristic dialogue often leaves the reader feeling a little detached.
Originality: Hunter in the Storm is full of compelling military action bathed in scenery that is both impressive and oppressive. Anthrop does not take his foot off the gas for a second, leaving the reader wowed, but yearning something more.
Character/Execution: Anthrop's central protagonist Johnny is mesmerizing at times as he treads carefully through hazardous ice and snow conditions, slowly tracking his enemies. The supporting cast of characters are not so convincing, although the camaraderie amongst the marines is endearing.
Date Submitted: August 30, 2023