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Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781638296713
  • 254 pages
  • $$16.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781638296720
  • 254 pages
  • $$4.50
Caleb Anthrop
Hunter in the Storm
In a time of absolute war, one young man’s journey begins with an unbearable loss. Recruited into a unit tied to the founding of America, he will get a chance not only for revenge, but become an integral part towards bringing an end to the war itself. He will be trained by the best, armed with the latest, and sent to fight the impossible. He must rely on that training along with his instincts to survive the hellscape that he once called home. His new enemy is waiting, however. With the nearly limitless resources at their disposal and a drive to unite the world under the rule of their Emperor, they stand ready to counter his every move. With an unquenchable fire and allies like him, he will stride into the chaos of war, each step taking him closer to satisfaction for his family and a peace he may never enjoy.
Plot/Idea: 7 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 7.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Hunter in the Storm follows Johnny as he becomes involved in an intense series of dangerous rescue missions. His solitary life and daring strides into battle are described with meticulous attention to detail, let down only by an unconvincing group of secondary characters.

Prose: Anthrop's text deals honestly with themes of loss and survival. Intense battle and hunting scenes are rendered in vivid and captivating detail, although the militaristic dialogue often leaves the reader feeling a little detached.

Originality: Hunter in the Storm is full of compelling military action bathed in scenery that is both impressive and oppressive. Anthrop does not take his foot off the gas for a second, leaving the reader wowed, but yearning something more.

Character/Execution: Anthrop's central protagonist Johnny is mesmerizing at times as he treads carefully through hazardous ice and snow conditions, slowly tracking his enemies. The supporting cast of characters are not so convincing, although the camaraderie amongst the marines is endearing.

Date Submitted: August 30, 2023

Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781638296713
  • 254 pages
  • $$16.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781638296720
  • 254 pages
  • $$4.50
