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Deborah Cole
I Am A Sheep?!?!
Deborah Cole, author
If someone were to call you a sheep, you might take offense to it. However, in the eyes of God, being His sheep is meant in a loving way as one cared for by the Good Shepherd, Jesus. Author Debbie Cole learned of this truth during a period of struggle in her life.While practicing sheep herding with her dogs, Debbie began to notice how sheep interacted with her. Through this experience, Debbie believes God was showing her the need for her to follow Jesus as a sheep that He cares for. Her new book, I AM A SHEEP?!?!, expounds on Debbie’s journey of faith in learning who she is as a child of God, a sheep of the Good Shepherd, Jesus. She combines the truths she learned with the experiences herding sheep and witnessing how sheep respond to someone they trust, like a shepherd. Despite the valley she was in, Debbie made time for daily Bible reading and study.The twenty-third psalm from King David is what stood out to her as one capturing the essence of a believer trusting the Good Shepherd, as He leads us next to still waters and green pastures. Readers will enjoy learning the distinct characteristics and qualities that sheep have, shown through the author’s time with her flock, as well as how parallels can be drawn between a sheep and shepherd and our relationship with God and Jesus. There are also questions at each chapter’s end to inspire thought on the topics shared. Sheep may be seen by some as unwilling to follow their shepherd, but I AM A SHEEP?!?! proves sheep following after Jesus are following the one that loves and cares for them the most.
Plot/Idea: 6 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 5 out of 10
Character/Execution: 6 out of 10
Overall: 6.00 out of 10


Idea: The foundation of Cole's text compares her experiences in herding to her spiritual journey within Christianity.

Prose: At times, Cole's writing feels repetitive. The presentation includes a brief insight followed by scripture. Regardless, the insights provide small moments of well-crafted clarity.

Originality: The concept of this book is unique in its approach to understanding spirituality. This volume may strike a strong chord with those who identify with Christian teachings.

Character/Execution: Cole does a fine job of sharing glimpses into her life experiences and spiritual journey in this work.

Date Submitted: December 02, 2021

