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Karen M Cox
I Could Write a Book: A Modern Variation of Jane Austen's "Emma"
Karen M Cox, author
I Could Write a Book is the story of a self-proclaimed modern woman: Emma Katherine Woodhouse, a 1970s co-ed whose life is pleasant, ordered, and predictable, if a bit confining. As Emma orchestrates life in quaint Highbury, her friend George Knightley becomes less amused with her antics and struggles with a growing attraction to the young woman she’s become. Rich with humor, poignancy, and the camaraderie of life in a small, Southern town, I Could Write a Book is a coming of age romance with side helpings of self-discovery, friendship, and finding true love in the most unlikely places.
Austenesque Reviews

Perceptive and compelling, I Could Write a Book is a wonderful and worthy retelling of Jane Austen’s timeless tale. With eloquent style, grace, and insight Karen Cox has proven, once again, she can indeed ‘write a book!’

