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E-Book Details
  • 11/2016
  • 9781524649395
  • 40 pages
  • $$3.99
Soft Cover Details
  • 11/2016
  • 9781524649401
  • 40 pages
  • $$16.99
Marybeth Bluhm
I'll Love You Even More
A message for the parent: When I was expecting my twins, I wrote a poem for my eldest son, who was eight at the time. This book is adapted from that poem. This is a story of love and reassurance for your first-born child when a new baby is on the way. This book will help you show your child that they still mean the world to you, and that the addition of a new baby won?t diminish the love you have for them, it will just make it stronger.
E-Book Details
  • 11/2016
  • 9781524649395
  • 40 pages
  • $$3.99
Soft Cover Details
  • 11/2016
  • 9781524649401
  • 40 pages
  • $$16.99
