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Erinn Burgess
I Promise to Be Better
Erinn Keala, author

Embark on an emotional rollercoaster with I Promise to Be Better, a riveting novel that unravels the complex love story of Emily and Shane.

Teenage Emily, plagued by abandonment issues stemming from her parents’ failed marriage, finds desperately-needed comfort in Shane. Despite him being six years older, the pair form a hidden bond and fall madly in love.

The story takes a dark turn as it delves into the intricate layers of a toxic relationship. Entering adulthood, Emily moves to a new country with Shane. Jealousy, infidelity, manipulation and abuse propel this narrative into a heart-wrenching exploration of love's darkest corners.

Based on true events, this gripping tale is a poignant reflection of love’s destructive power and the empowering pursuit of self-discovery. Brace yourself for an intense journey through the complexities of love, and the resilience required when promises are put to the ultimate test.

** Content Warning: This book contains potentially triggering subject matter including manipulation, gaslighting, domestic abuse, and intimate partner violence. Please read with care.

Quarter Finalist

Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 7 out of 10
Prose: 10 out of 10
Character/Execution: 10 out of 10
Overall: 9.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Keala takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions as Shane and Emily navigate love, abuse, and the need for approval and security. The characters draw readers in from the first chapter, as a younger Emily falls for Shane, even though he is several years older and well-known for his string of girlfriends. Their romance ultimately proves toxic, but still, it's hard to look away from their encounters.

Prose: Keala successfully evokes empathy and frustration for both Shane and Emily, through compelling, powerful prose that hints at the hurt, fragility, and desperation of Emily's situation. The writing is buoyed by a strong vulnerability and authenticity, hinting at the actual events that inspired this story.

Originality: This novel's basis in real events elevates it on many levels, granting readers stunning insight through the very real—and relatable—protagonists, both of whom possess traits stemming from trauma and abandonment.

Character/Execution: Emily is instantly likable and relatable; even though she makes questionable decisions, Keala's development of her character elicits a desire to protect and shelter her from what readers may guess is coming. Shane serves as a sobering, recognizable reminder of the paths love can take when tormented by unresolved trauma. 

Blurb: A breathless, cautionary tale of love and insecurity. 

Date Submitted: June 06, 2024

