Rodger Christopherson, author
Illusions is an unusual tale of love, adventure, intrigue and mystery as Reed meets enigmatic Kyara who has come back from the future to renew their connections from past life reincarnations. Not only does he fall in love with her all over again, he also re learns how to disappear and reappear at will as well as to be able to time travel and visit alternate realities where he meets Kyara and himself living out other life choices they have made. Some are probable worlds where there were totally different outcomes to such major events as the Civil War and World War II because entire societies had gone done different paths. Additionally, Reed delves into some of the great mysteries of the past such as Coral Castle, the great pyramids of Giza, Easter Island and the great blocks of stone in places like Machu Pichu. How did that all come about? Reed and Kyara know the answers