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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9798653457739
  • 152 pages
  • $6.99
Alan Warren
In Chains; The Dangerous World of Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is the trade of people for forced labor or sex. It also includes the illegal extraction of human organs and tissues. And it is an extremely ruthless and dangerous industry plaguing our world today. Most believe human trafficking occurs in countries with no human rights legislation. This is a myth. All types of human trafficking are alive and well in most of the developed countries of the world like the United States, Canada, and the UK. It is estimated that $150 billion a year is generated in the forced labor industry alone. It is also believed that 21 million people are trapped in modern day slavery - exploited for sex, labor, or organs. Most also believe since they live in a free country, there is built-in protection against such illegal practices. But for many, this is not the case. Traffickers tend to focus on the most vulnerable in our society, but trafficking can happen to anyone. You will see how easy it can happen in the stories included in "In Chains."
Carl Hagan Amazon

Good book very informative about human trafficking. You only think it happens in third world countries I didn’t realize all of the different types of trafficking. I liked the stories from the survivors

Chad B. Amazon

This has been a very informative read. Heartbreaking and really gives perspective regarding human trafficking. It really places the fear that it could happen to anyone, quite literally anywhere. The content really will hold your attention.

Jeanne Cloud Amazon

This important book should be widely read. Not only does it provide a comprehensive overview of trafficking in all of its facets, it also brings it home to your own neighborhood, to the room down the hall in your hotel, to your hospital, to your closet and grocery store. If more people were vigilant about trafficking and it's effects on all of society, the more likely we would be to stop it and save the survivors.

This is not a very long book, but it is well written, researched and organized. It includes compelling survivor accounts, giving the statistics an emotional connection. A quick read and a very valuable one on this important topic.

Jeanne Cloud Amazon

This important book should be widely read. Not only does it provide a comprehensive overview of trafficking in all of its facets, it also brings it home to your own neighborhood, to the room down the hall in your hotel, to your hospital, to your closet and grocery store. If more people were vigilant about trafficking and it's effects on all of society, the more likely we would be to stop it and save the survivors.

This is not a very long book, but it is well written, researched and organized. It includes compelling survivor accounts, giving the statistics an emotional connection. A quick read and a very valuable one on this important topic.

Kat McCarthy Amazon

Very informative and an outstanding read! Before reading this, I had only a slight understanding of what an issue human trafficking was. So this book really opened my eyes. I found the authors did a great job at balancing the descriptions, statistics and data, and showing compassion when recounting the individual’s stories. I am noticing many cases of human trafficking in the news now since this book made me aware of the main issues. It really shone a light on what a crisis human trafficking is and how it can happen to anyone. Be careful! I’d highly recommend this to anyone working in law enforcement, those with counselling careers, and immigration officials. It would also benefit the general public, especially those working in factories or in jobs where minorities could potentially be exploited. Great read!

Kristy Amazon

A disturbingly sober look into the prevalent and brutal crime of Human Trafficking. This book is a must for students of Criminal Justice and for anyone who wants to understand the dark epidemic that is occurring not just overseas, but in our own backyards. I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to understand this disturbing subject more in depth. Easy and fascinating read. I couldn't put it down.

Mfrogg Amazon

This book is very interesting and informative. So many aspects of trafficking that I hadn’t heard of or thought about. Definitely worth the read.

Ron S. Amazon

This is a very good book on human trafficking. I didn’t know much about the subject till I read this book. Great book by RJ Parker and Alan Warren. I learned about a subject I never thought of before this book. It’s sad how someone can do this to people. Buy it you will learn something new even if you thought you already knew about this subject

TLG Amazon

This book was very informative. I didn’t realize that there was more than one form of human trafficking. The book is well researched and personalized with survivors’ own stories. I was discouraged to read about how most traffickers get off in the court system and how sometimes the victim is arrested. It is scary to think about how much human trafficking occurs. I think this book is an important read to know what is going on in the world as well as to recognize the signs of someone being trafficked. This book will help you to inform your loved ones of the risks so that they can be more aware of dangerous situations.

Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9798653457739
  • 152 pages
  • $6.99
