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Christina Ford
In Search of Mr Darcy
In Search of Mr Darcy: Lessons Learnt in The Pursuit of Happily Ever After, a witty 'Nora Ephron-esque' dating memoir that the BBC called 'A real life Sex And The City.' It explores the colorful, intimate story of marriage(s), divorce(s), affairs, dating, friends, frenemies, addiction, body image, sexual predators, and the often thankless task of single-parenting and step-parenting, a job as potentially life-threatening as that of a Chilean coal miner. Or, more simply told, it is a coming-of-age story—middle-age. For anyone who has wondered if the is life after divorce, sex after 40 or who has ever had their heart broken and wondered if it would ever beat again, the answer is damn straight—to all of it.
