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Paperback Details
  • 00/2015
  • 978-0989135917
  • 344 pages
  • $$12.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2015
  • B0190PUMTY
  • 346  pages
  • $$0.99
Dairl Johnson
In Search of Tom Candy
In 1904, journalist John Stanton, the son of the man who had been Abe Lincoln’s secretary of war, seeks to clear his father of being implicated in the death of America’s towering sixteenth president. A trove of incriminating and circumstantial evidence has led a mob of revisionist historians to accuse Secretary Edwin Stanton of being at the heart of the assassination plot. But John believes he’s found the key as to why his father is being smeared: a large, far-reaching conspiracy that ranges forty years. At its epicenter is an enigmatic Englishman, Tom Candy. All that’s known about him is a famous cattle drive from Texas to New York City. Who is the mysterious Candy? And what part did he play in America’s bloody, brutal Civil War—and President Lincoln’s horrific murder? Discovering the answers to these questions and other long-buried secrets will lead John on a deadly quest across the continent.
Paperback Details
  • 00/2015
  • 978-0989135917
  • 344 pages
  • $$12.95
eBook Details
  • 00/2015
  • B0190PUMTY
  • 346  pages
  • $$0.99
