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in the land of glare
From Berkeley to Disneyland, Tehrangeles to Olvera Street, unlikely connections are forged—between the infant son of a drive-by victim and a witch psychologist; a mariachi violinist and her doomed neighbor; a bad boy LAPD wannabe and his longed-for birth mother; a defiant Thai immigrant and a big shot with Taylor Swift tickets. in the land of glare takes readers off the beaten track to trace the unintended pathways from one California heart to another.
Beautiful stories of Southern CA

Laura Golden Bellotti captures the disparity and diversity, the haves and the too many have not's, of Los Angeles in a poignantly truthful way. Having lived in LA most of my life, I've seen the faces and experiences she describes so beautifully. Her prose is sharp, her characters defined, yet her style is gentle and understanding. Read this book and give it to someone who loves SoCal - or better yet - needs to learn about it from someone who knows.

