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Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798375626871
  • 52 pages
  • $49.99
Josh Luberisse
Author, Illustrator, Contributor
Inflation 101: Understanding the Basics of Rising Prices and the Fed
Unleash the Power of Financial Mastery with 'Inflation 101: Understanding the Basics of Rising Prices and the Fed' - Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Inflationary Landscape! Inflation 101 is a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of inflation and monetary policy. Written for the general public, this book provides an easy-to-understand overview of what inflation is, how it is measured, and its historical background. It delves into the causes of inflation and how the Federal Reserve, through monetary policy, plays a role in controlling rising prices. From the history of inflation to the latest monetary policies, this book offers an in-depth look at the impact of inflation on the economy and your financial well-being. Inflation 101 is a must-read for anyone looking to understand the complexities of inflation and monetary policy. Learn how to protect your purchasing power, invest smartly, and build an inflation-proof portfolio. Don't miss out on this comprehensive, engaging, and accessible guide to inflation and the Fed.
Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798375626871
  • 52 pages
  • $49.99
