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Hardcover Book Details
  • 09/2019
  • 9780997372632
  • 34 pages
  • $16.99
Christopher DePietro
Author, Illustrator
Into the Unknown
Micah dreams of someday being a famous explorer who discovers hidden treasure all around the world. But there’s one major problem: he’s afraid of the Unknown. 
One day he discovers a mysterious door that reads “Treasure Inside!” He reluctantly opens the door and is whisked away to a strange new land. Once there, he learns of a lost treasure that is his and his alone — but first, he must make his way through the Unknown. Join Micah as he travels into the Unknown and learns that what you find isn’t always what you’re looking for... sometimes it’s even better.
Readers Favorite

Four Stars! An adventure that children are sure to love ...beautifully illustrated with full, vibrant images that are sure to captivate young readers and keep their attention and excitement.

I found DePietro's work to be very creative and fun, a mysterious adventure that children are sure to love. Micah had to persevere through his fears when he entered into the unknown, prove himself through trials and tests, and learn a valuable lesson about himself along the way. I think the message of the story is very important for children, and it is delivered by DePietro in an exciting and adventurous way that is not accomplished by your typical book. Author Christopher DePietro is responsible for the exceptional writing and illustration of this enthralling children's book. Overall, Into the Unknown is a unique story that children are sure to love and learn from. Nice work!  - Joshua Soule, Readers Favorite

Reedsy Discovery

A little boy afraid of the unknown is willing to risk it all to go in search of treasure and finds the greatest treasure of all. The story begins and ends at the boy’s home, but the places he travels in between are quite an adventure.

This is such a cute and impactful book. It seems simple, at first, but upon a second reading, all the layers are revealed. The illustration is calming and inviting, with colors that aren’t too bright but still warm and comforting. The characters are wonderous and cuddly. I love the facial expressions of the main character.

The message is astounding. Aside from the overall lesson being taught, there are several other messages to discover when reading between the lines, and they are all good. I can’t wait to share it with my students. - - Toi Thomas, Reedsy Discovery

Disclaimer: I received a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.


Hardcover Book Details
  • 09/2019
  • 9780997372632
  • 34 pages
  • $16.99
