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Invasive Species

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

The Blood Moon of a total lunar eclipse casts an ominous glow over the Caribbean. Badass Peace Corps volunteer Toni Wise takes a post in the isolated village of Purgatory high in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. She is on a quest to deal with psychological demons from her past while empowering small local farmers. Per usual, not everything goes as planned. To protect his deadly secret, a wealthy landowner shuts off the village’s underground water supply. Villagers are mysteriously attacked. Unidentified bodies appear. Worst of all, following an earthquake, creatures capable of weaponizing fear escape from a nearby compound. Now Toni must confront her inner demons while battling dragons unleashed on the people she’s come to love. Will she survive? Will those she’s come to love? For fans of heart-pounding suspense and complex characters, Invasive Species is must-read. If you enjoyed Michael Crichton’s science fiction, Jurassic Park or Dan Brown’s mystery thriller, The Da Vinci Code, you will love this gripping tale of love and redemption.

