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Invisible Rider
Is invisibility possible in 2092? Alex pays a high price to find out. She's survived a world disaster and has food. Most don't. She has a successful private research business, a safe place to live, and a happy, contented life in Canada. Global warming has been halted but storms still rage. The last fifty years have taken a toll on the planet and its occupants. Recovery is still in progress, but it's happening. Food and housing are supplied to all those in need. Things are looking up. Or are they? Alex wakes one morning to an altered dangerous planet and her life is in peril. She’s one of very few survivors in this treacherous new world. She has food, most don't. She embarks on a life-altering motorcycle journey across Canada that tests her moral fiber, courage, and raw nerve. She finds help in an unusual place. Does she reach her destination alive?
