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Emmanuel Dagher is one of the kindest and gentlest souls who walks this planet. He is someone who really walks his talk, and I frequently recommend his work to people, especially to those who need help in shifting from a scarcity paradigm to an abundant one! ––Anita Moorjani, NYT Bestselling Author of ‘Dying to Be Me.’ Renowned therapist and spiritual teacher Emmanuel Dagher reveals his transformative journey and revolutionary healing method in his latest book, HEAL: A Guide to Becoming Your Own Greatest Healer with The Core Work Method (Infinity One, $18.99, September 2024) Growing up in Beirut during the Lebanon Civil War, Dagher witnessed unspeakable atrocities and endured profound traumas. One life-altering day, he experienced a mystical event—a burst of celestial information and guidance that freed him from severe PTSD, anxiety, depression, and scoliosis. This numinous experience ignited a mission to elevate global consciousness. Integrating these spiritual insights with psychology, neuroscience, and holistic health studies, Dagher developed The Core Work Method™—a unique quantum healing technology that blends science and spirituality. This method has helped thousands worldwide connect with their inner healer and overcome mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges. In HEAL, Dagher shares the secrets of his powerful method, offering readers practical tools to conquer pain, suffering, and trauma. His heartfelt and approachable style, combined with his personal story of resilience, provides a blueprint for anyone seeking to unlock their hidden potential and become the healer of their own life. This highly anticipated book is a must-have for those striving for peace, health, and fulfillment. HEAL includes practical exercises and recorded meditations to support readers on their journey of self-discovery and healing
